03 Jul 2018
Return On Investment
Looking For Higher ROI on a QMS? Firstly, how much does your company really know about Quality Management Software Systems? In simple terms, a Quality Management System (QMS) is a software system that is used to monitor and manage procedures, responsibilities, information, and processes in an attempt to help organizations achieve their objectives through quality [...]
02 Jul 2018
Quality Assurance System
What Is Quality Assurance Software? Companies today need to dedicate their attention to addressing quality issues prevalent in their industries. Thriving and succeeding in today's market requires businesses to address their quality needs adequately. Without a proper Quality Assurance System to help you take control of your quality, your company will eventually fall behind. That [...]
02 Jul 2018
Organizational risk
Organizational Risk When it comes to managing an organization, especially manufacturing, there are multiple risks associated with it. The inherent risks that could be associated with a firm could be endless, whether related to manufacturing of a product or simply even common risks throughout a company. Risks within a company are something that is inevitable. [...]
01 Jul 2018
Quality Assurance System
What Is QA & What Can It Do For You? Are you looking for a strategy to improve the quality of your products and thereby the credibility as well? Then a Quality Assurance System is a must to be implemented at your firm. Quality assurance plays an essential role in many industries if not all [...]
01 Jul 2018
Quality Assurance Software
Role of Quality Assurance in Your Company Quality assurance plays a significant role in any company manufacturing products or rendering services. Preventing errors before they occur is essential for developing and thereby assuring the quality of final products. It is a process-oriented management approach that requires the collaboration of the entire workforce. Errors can occur [...]
01 Jul 2018
The future of quality
The Future of Quality Management A look into the future could involve a professional in quality left with the thought of revisiting the roots of quality. This would raise the question “How is the future generation planning on helping the profession of quality to look ahead?” The head of a company who deals with quality [...]
01 Jul 2018
Document Management System
DMS: What Is It & Its Many Uses Records maintenance and management is to be given attention due to its importance in every aspect of the organization. No matter what department or division, documentation needs to be handled accordingly for audit purposes and such, as required. But if you are considering manually handling and circulating [...]
30 Jun 2018
Bad management practices
Bad Management Practices Creating the appropriate habits is something that would help build a workplace for the employees where they feel solace. When employees are comfortable in their environment they tend to perform better in the workplace. This is something that companies should focus on and thereby create a process for employee retention. No matter [...]
29 Jun 2018
Human Error Reduction
Human Error Reduction As the evolution of technology advances significantly every day, human error for processes become substantially visible in performance. Unfortunately, around 80% of errors by humans are what is responsible for the defects and failures in a company. And regrettably, very little information is known about the nature of said events. This is [...]